The “Who are the Quakers?” poster set started as an initiative of the Eastern Shore Quaker Worship Group in Nova Scotia. An initial set of 8 posters were developed as information aids to visitors to the Quaker Whaling House Museum located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Panels detailing the early multi-racial Quaker community at Beaver Harbour, New Brunswick, and one describing CFHA itself, have since been added. Poster sets suitable for local display are available to Quaker meetings. For details please contact [email protected].
CFHA is very pleased to introduce two versions of a new panel related to George Fox, the 17th century visionary credited with drawing diverse groups of religious dissenters into what became the Religious Society of Friends. These new posters describe two elements of his ministry that became foundational aspects of the emerging Quaker ethos and message.
You can download these panels in full-resolution printable PDF form here:
Viewer comments, questions, and responses to the new George Fox posters are most welcome. We hope this will be the first of many lively conversations and debates on this, our new CFHA website.
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Then you may post comments on this article, or any news item, in the Blog section of the website. In future, you can log in to the CFHA website at this link, which can also be found in the sidebar to the right.
For these new George Fox panels, we are curious: which one do you like better? Would you prefer only one be entered into the official Who Are The Quakers? panel set, or should people have the option of both? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Audrey Duff · February 26, 2020 at 5:49 pm
I’d have trouble picking one poster over the other, but I did have to read the first paragraph twice because at first I thought George Fox’s mother was “a young and dynamic communicator”. I guess it’s too late to change the wording to “…Leicestershire weaver. Fox was a young and dynamic communicator of his religious experiences, and in his journal for the year…..” or something?
Sydney Harker · March 3, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Both are fabulous! Excited to hear about the Beaver Harbour panels.
CFHA to produce new ‘George Fox’ set of ‘Who are the Quakers?’ display panels with grant from Samuel Rogers Memorial Trust – Canadian Friends Historical Association · June 18, 2020 at 10:45 am
[…] new set of ‘Who are the Quakers?’ panels will commence shortly. The new panel set will present the life and ministry of George Fox, widely regarded as the spiritual and organisational founder of the Religious Society of […]