The Solomon Moore Home
For those interested in the Quaker history of Welland, the St. Catharines Standard posted an article by Mark Allenov a few years ago about the home of Solomon Moore and its history as first a Read more…
We publish an open-access academic journal, a newsletter, and occasional monographs.
We preserve, enhance, and make available documents relating to Canadian Quaker history, including transcriptions of handwritten meeting books going back to 1798.
We're working on a record of every Quaker property, including meeting houses, burial grounds, and homes of notable Friends.
Friendly Friday George Fox Journal discussions on Zoom every two weeks, our annual AGM and keynote, and more.
Our members share their research pursuits and interests on our blog and at our events.
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If you are seeking information about the origins, foundational concepts, and principles of early Canadian Quakers, click here.
If you are seeking information concerning contemporary traditional Quaker faith and practice, such as Meetings, click here.
For those interested in the Quaker history of Welland, the St. Catharines Standard posted an article by Mark Allenov a few years ago about the home of Solomon Moore and its history as first a Read more…
For everyone hoping to attend the AGM on September 14th (either in person or for the online portion), please remember to renew your membership with CFHA. We hope you’ll join us for the guided tour Read more…
Canadian Friends Historical Association
60 Lowther Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5R 1C7