Annual General Meeting & Panel Discussion 2021

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Friends Historical Association (CFHA) will be held virtually on Seventh Day, the 18th of Ninth Month (Saturday, September, 18th) 2021. Depending on your personal location and time zone, the Annual General Meeting will commence at a different time as follows:

Newfoundland and Labrador Time: 12:30 PM

Atlantic Time: 12:00 PM

Eastern Daylight Savings Time (Toronto): 11:00 AM

Central Time: 10:00 AM

Mountain Time: 9:00 AM

Pacific Time: 8:00 AM

All members are encouraged to attend. . . . (Click here to read more) “Annual General Meeting & Panel Discussion 2021”

Kathleen Hertzberg at Germany Yearly Meeting

Last month, the blog featured articles by German Friend Lutz Caspers detailing early Quakerism in Germany, nineteenth century Quakerism, and Quakers in twentieth-century Germany. CFHA’s co-founder Kathleen Hertzberg (then Kathleen Brookhouse), spent time in pre-World War Two Germany with British Friends, and her daughter, Evelyn Schmitz-Hertzberg, has provided the blog with two photos of Kathleen’s time there. . . . (Click here to read more) “Kathleen Hertzberg at Germany Yearly Meeting”