We recently received the following genealogy question via our contact form:

A Quaker – Aaron Tool – came from Bucks County, PA, to York County, Ontario. I’ve seen note of him in Yonge St minutes but if there is anything more you can tell me, it would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been to the Friends cemetery in North Toronto and took pictures of the headstones but some were unreadable.

Do you have any information about an Aaron Tool (or Toole)? Can you help our researcher out with some relevant resources or suggestions for places to find further information?



Tina Reibling · May 8, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Adding to this post – 4th G Grandfather – Aaron Tool Sr. born 1 Jan 1765 (?) Buckingham, Pennsylvania – died 31 Dec 1854 (?) Pickering?
3rd G Grandfather Aaron Tool Jr born – 2 JUL 1803 Whitchurch, York, Ontario (Quaker record) died 29 Sep 1874 Thedford, Ontario (he had left the Quakers ?) could not find anything in the quaker records to confirm this.

Any additional information you can provide for me on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Carman Foster · May 14, 2020 at 7:10 pm

    The only place I have seen Aaron Tool’s name mentioned is the Yonge St. Meeting. I checked my transcriptions and that seems to be the only place he shows up. I am presently transcribing the Muncy PA Monthly Meeting which starts with various removals beginning in 1799 to 1819 and Aaron is not mentioned in that. As I progress I will keep an eye out and will continue with a response if I come across something.

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