Textiles in Upper Canada

Anne Adams on Three Generations of a Quaker Family and Their Textiles

Published in the 2006 edition of the Canadian Journal of Quaker History, Anne G. Adams’ article, “‘Done Without Spectacles…’ Three Generations of a Quaker Family and Their Textiles,” follows the textile trail of the British-born Mullett family who settled in Upper Canada in 1821. . . . (Click here to read more) “Textiles in Upper Canada”

The Record Book of Joseph Edwards, Niagara, 1812-1813

Recently the American National Archives and Records Administration posted this interesting tidbit on their blog:

Some Americans in Canada: The Record Book of Joseph Edwards, Niagara, Upper Canada, April 1812-January 1813

If you don’t follow NARA, you may have missed this interesting document – a record book of Joseph Edwards, the Justice of the Peace in Niagara. . . . (Click here to read more) “The Record Book of Joseph Edwards, Niagara, 1812-1813”

New transcript! Plus: Help the CFHA Document Historical Quakers

Today we are announcing a new transcription available for your perusal: Muncy Women’s Monthly Meeting 1799-1819. This document was provided for our transcription by Swarthmore College Library, and was transcribed by Carman Foster.

Those settling under the Pelham Meeting in the Niagara area and including the Yonge St Meeting around Newmarket mostly came via New Jersey and Pennsylvania meetings.

. . . (Click here to read more) “New transcript! Plus: Help the CFHA Document Historical Quakers”

New transcription: Pelham Monthly Meeting Women, 1828-1860 (O-5-1)

We’ve updated our transcriptions page with a new upload: Pelham Monthly Meeting’s Women’s book from 1828-1860.

You can also see the PDF here: http://cfha.info/PelhamO-5-1.pdf

Thanks as always to our wonderful volunteer transcribers!

Our team is always happy to accept new volunteers. . . . (Click here to read more) “New transcription: Pelham Monthly Meeting Women, 1828-1860 (O-5-1)”

Reflections on the Middlesex Centre Archives’ Heritage Fair, February 22, 2020

Gord Thompson and I met Dave Zavitz from the Middlesex Centre Archives when we staffed a CFHA booth at the Ontario Genealogical Fair in London in June 2019. Dave, well familiar with CFHA from his own Quaker background, invited us to set up a CFHA display at the Middlesex Centre Archives’ Heritage Fair this last February. . . . (Click here to read more) “Reflections on the Middlesex Centre Archives’ Heritage Fair, February 22, 2020”

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College supports CFHA transcriptions

We are pleased to be advised that Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College will make images of men’s and women’s minute books from Muncy Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania. Muncy Meeting (formerly Catawissa Monthly Meeting) was the source meeting of many Quaker migrants who relocated in Upper Canada at the beginning of the 19th century. . . . (Click here to read more) “Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College supports CFHA transcriptions”

Quakers who were United Empire Loyalists: The 2019 CFHA AGM Keynote by Randy Saylor

On September 21st 2019, the CFHA held its Annual General Meeting at Toronto Friends House. Those who attended were delighted by the keynote research delivered by Randy Saylor, CFHA’s Transcriptions editor and former Webmaster. We share the text of his talk below (without references) as well as in this PDF (with references) for reading at your leisure. . . . (Click here to read more) “Quakers who were United Empire Loyalists: The 2019 CFHA AGM Keynote by Randy Saylor”