The CQHA 2020 Conference is Postponed

We repost information from the following webpage:

Dear CQHA friends,


This is not the message we had hoped to share with you at this point in our planning for the CQHA 2020 conference. Our program committee had worked through proposals and acceptances and was justifiably proud of the program we had put together, based almost entirely in the quality of presentations and their convergence around aspects of Quaker history and culture.

. . . (Click here to read more) “The CQHA 2020 Conference is Postponed”

Are you subscribed to the Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society newsletter?

The Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society has been around since 1989, chronicling the history of one of Ontario’s oldest United Empire Loyalist settler communities. Adolphustown is of particular interest to Quaker historians as the site of the first Preparative Meeting in Upper (or lower) Canada, started in 1798. . . . (Click here to read more) “Are you subscribed to the Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society newsletter?”

Help transcribe ships’ logs from the Nantucket Historical Association

The Nantucket Historical Association is asking for volunteer help to transcribe handwritten documents. Their collection currently available for transcribing includes ships’ logs and particularly eleven logs written by women, likely captains’ wives.

The Nantucket area is of particular interest to Canadian Quaker enthusiasts as their whaling and fishing fleets had many connections with Barrington and Dartmouth, NS, which are home to some of the earliest Quaker settlers. . . . (Click here to read more) “Help transcribe ships’ logs from the Nantucket Historical Association”

Textiles in Upper Canada

Anne Adams on Three Generations of a Quaker Family and Their Textiles

Published in the 2006 edition of the Canadian Journal of Quaker History, Anne G. Adams’ article, “‘Done Without Spectacles…’ Three Generations of a Quaker Family and Their Textiles,” follows the textile trail of the British-born Mullett family who settled in Upper Canada in 1821. . . . (Click here to read more) “Textiles in Upper Canada”

Quakers who were United Empire Loyalists: The 2019 CFHA AGM Keynote by Randy Saylor

On September 21st 2019, the CFHA held its Annual General Meeting at Toronto Friends House. Those who attended were delighted by the keynote research delivered by Randy Saylor, CFHA’s Transcriptions editor and former Webmaster. We share the text of his talk below (without references) as well as in this PDF (with references) for reading at your leisure. . . . (Click here to read more) “Quakers who were United Empire Loyalists: The 2019 CFHA AGM Keynote by Randy Saylor”

Learn about Black Quakers for Black History Month

Happy Black History Month! The CFHA has numerous documents and publications that can help you with historical research and inquiry about Black people in Canada.

One such document is the Memorial written about William Allen, a man who was born as a slave in Tennessee and died as a minister at the Yonge St. . . . (Click here to read more) “Learn about Black Quakers for Black History Month”