New Transcription: Muncy Monthly Meeting, 1819 – 1834

We’ve updated our transcriptions page with a new upload: Muncy Monthly Meeting, 1819–1834, as well as Certificates of Removal, 1797–1808.

You can also see the PDF here: 

This new transcription is two books in one. The first forty-seven pages include removal certificates from 1797 to 1808 and record a number of removals from the Muncy Meeting in Pennsylvania to Pelham Meeting in the Niagara area and the Yonge St Meeting in the Newmarket area. . . . (Click here to read more) “New Transcription: Muncy Monthly Meeting, 1819 – 1834”

Coldstream Series: Coldstream’s Early Development

Since October, the blog has featured two articles about Coldstream from both Donna Moore and Dave Zavitz. We continue this week with an article by Dave Zavitz on Coldstream’s early economic development and the impact of early Quaker families. 

Coldstream’s Early Development
Dave Zavitz

The early Coldstream area was heavily forested with the Bear Creek (Sydenham River) running through it. . . . (Click here to read more) “Coldstream Series: Coldstream’s Early Development”

Early Quakers and Christmas

While Friends globally hold differing views on the holiday season, early Quakers did not mark Christmas as a day different from any other. In his book, Christmastime in Pennsylvania, Don Yoder argues that while Quakers were against Christmas celebrations, some Quakers in mid-nineteenth century Pennsylvania “succumbed to a modified attention to Christmas at least as a family festival.” . . . (Click here to read more) “Early Quakers and Christmas”

Founders and Builders Series: Fred Haslam

In this month’s Founders and Builders Series, we introduce you to an influential Friend and early contributor to the CFHA. Our fourth essay features Fred Haslam and is written by Dorothy Trimble. Dorothy passed in 2014 at the age of 91 but remembers the life of Fred Haslam here in her 2012 essay written for the 40th anniversary of the CFHA. . . . (Click here to read more) “Founders and Builders Series: Fred Haslam”

CFHA Celebrates 48 Years!

Many organizations have their own creation story, and CFHA is no exception. It came into being out of a concern for the preservation of a small, somewhat decrepit little meetinghouse out in the countryside west of Uxbridge, Ontario. When word that this meetinghouse might be purchased and moved to the United States reached Toronto Monthly Meeting, Kathleen Schmitz-Hertzberg made it her goal that the building and its heritage not be lost. . . . (Click here to read more) “CFHA Celebrates 48 Years!”

“The Best Man for Settling New Country…”: The Journal of Timothy Rogers

“The Best Man for Settling New Country…”: The Journal of Timothy Rogers
Edited by Christopher Densmore and Albert Schrauwers

This guest post is contributed by Albert Schrauwers and includes his reflections on editing Timothy Rogers’ journal alongside Christopher Densmore. Rogers’ journal can be found here: . . . (Click here to read more) ““The Best Man for Settling New Country…”: The Journal of Timothy Rogers”

Canadian Quaker Highlight: Anna Solmes Cronk

The Canadian Quaker Highlight series features the stories of Friends whose lives are part of the Canadian Quaker experience.

Anna (Engeltie, or ‘Angelica’) Solmes was born in Dutchess County, New York, in 1774.[1] Anna immigrated to Upper Canada in the late 1790s after her marriage to Jacob Cronk. . . . (Click here to read more) “Canadian Quaker Highlight: Anna Solmes Cronk”