Lecture Series Registration and Update

Registration for CFHA’s lecture series, Quakerism in the Atlantic World, is now open. All are welcome to attend the lectures, and we encourage you to share this link with friends and colleagues who will find the series of interest.


CFHA is dedicating this lecture series to Gordon Thompson in recognition of his enthusiasm for sharing Quaker history as a way to keep us connected during the pandemic. . . . (Click here to read more) “Lecture Series Registration and Update”

Upcoming Lecture Series – Quakerism in the Atlantic World

Happy New Year!

The Canadian Friends Historical Association is excited to announce our upcoming lecture series. Given the success of the keynote presentation at our last AGM by the authors of Quakerism in the Atlantic World, 1690-1830, we have invited each author back to share their findings in a series of ten online lectures. . . . (Click here to read more) “Upcoming Lecture Series – Quakerism in the Atlantic World”

Preserving History: FHL Provides CFHA with Digital Images of the Earliest Nine Partners Monthly Meeting Books (1769 – 1851).

Friends Historical Library (FHL) at Swarthmore College, PA, hosts one of the most extensive archives of early American Quaker meeting minute books and other documents to be found anywhere in North America.

All books were photographed in 1950 by Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City and are of a very high quality. . . . (Click here to read more) “Preserving History: FHL Provides CFHA with Digital Images of the Earliest Nine Partners Monthly Meeting Books (1769 – 1851).”

Annual General Meeting & Panel Discussion 2021

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Friends Historical Association (CFHA) will be held virtually on Seventh Day, the 18th of Ninth Month (Saturday, September, 18th) 2021. Depending on your personal location and time zone, the Annual General Meeting will commence at a different time as follows:

Newfoundland and Labrador Time: 12:30 PM

Atlantic Time: 12:00 PM

Eastern Daylight Savings Time (Toronto): 11:00 AM

Central Time: 10:00 AM

Mountain Time: 9:00 AM

Pacific Time: 8:00 AM

All members are encouraged to attend. . . . (Click here to read more) “Annual General Meeting & Panel Discussion 2021”