In Memoriam: Kathleen Schmitz-Hertzberg (1916 – 2019)

Kathleen Schmitz-Hertzberg (nee Brookhouse) was born on Fourth Day, the sixteenth of Second Month in 1916. Her birth commenced a life of almost 103 years and one which made a difference in the lives of countless people who knew Kathleen or benefitted from one or more of the many aspects of the energy she devoted to Quaker service and concerns. . . . (Click here to read more) “In Memoriam: Kathleen Schmitz-Hertzberg (1916 – 2019)”

Randy Saylor to make Keynote Presentation: Quaker United Empire Loyalists: An Exploration

“At our preparative Meeting of Pelham the 29th of the 5th Mo. 1811

            This Meeting was Inform,d that Benjamin Birdsall is Living in the Neglect of Attending meetings  Appears out of plainness both in Dress and Address and making use of the Vain Compliments of the World & that he is Concernd in the Distillation of Grain also that he has Reciev,d A tract of Land of land from Government under the Appelation of UE.   . . . (Click here to read more) “Randy Saylor to make Keynote Presentation: Quaker United Empire Loyalists: An Exploration”

Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Friends Historical Association

The AGM of the Canadian Friends Historical Association (CFHA) will be held once
again this year at Friends House, 60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5R 1C7 on
Seventh Day, the 21 st of Ninth Month (Saturday, September21) 2019.

Registration will open at 9:00 AM in the Dining Room. . . . (Click here to read more) “Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Friends Historical Association”