Founders and Builders Series: Fred Haslam

In this month’s Founders and Builders Series, we introduce you to an influential Friend and early contributor to the CFHA. Our fourth essay features Fred Haslam and is written by Dorothy Trimble. Dorothy passed in 2014 at the age of 91 but remembers the life of Fred Haslam here in her 2012 essay written for the 40th anniversary of the CFHA. . . . (Click here to read more) “Founders and Builders Series: Fred Haslam”

Robynne Rogers Healey to Speak at Freedom Forum’s Series on Faith, Race, and Civil Rights

Freedom Forum Institute is hosting the fifth program in their series, “Religious Resolve: Stories from Our Past, for Our Future,” on the Grimké sisters. The panel, “The Grimkés Speak Out on Faith, Race, and Civil Rights,” will take place Sunday, October 11th, at 3:00 pm (EST). . . . (Click here to read more) “Robynne Rogers Healey to Speak at Freedom Forum’s Series on Faith, Race, and Civil Rights”

Verifying a Quaker Presence in American Television Westerns

How many times have you seen a Quaker in a television program or movie? How often have Quakers, the Amish, and Mennonites been conflated into stock characters? We are thrilled to share this guest post from Stephen D. Brooks who is researching representations of Quakers in television and film as part of a PhD in Quaker Studies at the University of Birmingham (UK). . . . (Click here to read more) “Verifying a Quaker Presence in American Television Westerns”