We’ve updated our transcriptions page with a new upload: Pelham Monthly Meeting’s Women’s book from 1828-1860.

You can also see the PDF here: http://cfha.info/PelhamO-5-1.pdf

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Whereas a number of friends having Identified themselves with those who have seceded from the Principle of friends, and emb[r]aced the doctrin of Elias Hicks, and not allowing friends the privalage of holding meeting in the meeting hous, therefore after solid consideration friends have removed to the house of Robert Spencer to hold our Monthly meeting there

The Clerk going with the seceders have deprived friends of the use of the Books and minutes, which neceseated friends to transact their business without them

This meeting therefore appoints Elizabeth Hill Clerk for one year and Mary M. Taylor to assist her

This meeting appoints Elizabeth Hill and Jane King to visit Hannah Husband the former Clerk and demand the minutes and other property belonging to the meeting as this meetings just right, and report to next monthly meeting agreeably to the directions of the yearly meeting in the subject and the Clerk is to furnish the committee with a copy of this minutes signed by the Clerk


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