Thank you for considering a donation to the Canadian Friends Historical Association. CFHA is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Charitable donation tax receipts will be provided for all donations of $20 and above.

Canadian Friends Historical Association
60 Lowther Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5R 1C7

Financial contributions such as yours are essential to the well-being and success of the organization. CFHA is the only national organization dedicated to the preservation and communication of the history and faith of Quakers in Canada and their ongoing contribution to the Canadian experience. While we have made considerable progress, much remains to be done.

CFHA receives the support of many members and individuals who volunteer their time and talent. However, it is only through the generous financial contributions received from donors that allows us to cover overhead costs while maintaining free public access to our transcriptions, publications, and programs. Annual membership dues received cover only a portion of the annual budget.

Let Your Lives Speak - one of our Who Are The Quakers? panels.

Let Your Lives Speak – one of our Who Are The Quakers? panels.

In the past several years CFHA has modernized and adapted new technologies. This has included implementation of membership administration software and electronic fund transfer options, and a complete reconfiguration of our website. Our next project is the CFHA Digital Archives, an essential resource uniquely dedicated to the collection and preservation of irreplaceable heritage documentation.

When you contribute to CFHA you also support our efforts to communicate the faith and practice of Friends since the emergence of the Religious Society of Friends in the 17th century. The popular educational Who are the Quakers? display panels support our own outreach activities and those of Canadian meetings. Our next project in this realm is a new 8-panel set detailing the life and ministry of Quaker founder George Fox.

Contributions to CFHA can be made by a number of means:

  1. You may schedule convenient recurring contributions by credit card, or make one-time donations by credit card, cheque, or Interac e-transfers. Please complete the form here and indicate your intended payment method. You can also post-date a number of cheques at once to commit to regular donations, in which case please enter the total amount being donated. Instructions for sending Interac e-transfers or cheques will be displayed, and tax receipts will be generated.
  2. You may also make a one-time, scheduled monthly, or securities contribution via our CanadaHelps profile. In this case you will receive your receipt directly from CanadaHelps.

If you are not a member of CFHA, please consider becoming one; instructions can be found on this page. We welcome everyone interested in joining us in pursuit of our mission.

Thank you once again for your thoughtful and valued contribution to CFHA.