Interested in exploring and reflecting on the source document of Quakerism?
In Friendly Friday, our participants reflect an eclectic group of voices, opinions and viewpoints. We gather to read aloud, spiritually contemplate and reflect on George Fox’s Journal, respecting that of God in every one, including different viewpoints and experiences, to learn and grow from one another.
We have found that a deep and prayerful listening to Fox read aloud tends to flow naturally into personal insight and comment that has much in common with worship-sharing. Collectively we come to a deeper understanding of the profound ministry of the Spirit through Fox, and are encouraged to reflect on how this ministry may speak into our contemporary experience. Join us at anytime.
Our group has been meeting over Zoom to learn about the historic and spiritual beginnings of the Religious Society of Friends by reading and discussing the Nickall’s edition of George Fox’s Journal. It is an outreach program of the Canadian Friends Historical Association.
We always welcome new participants.
Want to know more? Visit: Friendly Friday: George Fox Journal Discussion Group
If you wish to receive email notifications about the next sessions, email Donna Moore at [email protected]