Exciting news!
The executive committee is thrilled to announce that our speakers for the CFHA Annual General Meeting to be held on September 26th will be Ben Pink Dandelion of the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Bournville, England, and Stephen W. Angell of the Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana.
Ben and Steve have been instrumental in the explosion of interest in Quaker history and other aspects of Quaker studies in the past ten years. They have led the way in working with a number of university presses, and have encouraged scholarship in a way that has fundamentally changed the scholarly landscape in Quaker studies.
We have invited Ben and Steve to speak about their experience in reframing Quaker studies, the impact of the scholarship that is being done, and the ways that scholarship reaches both the academic community as well as interested lay researchers and well-read Friends. Along with our speakers we will inquire about the role for a group like the CFHA in this larger discussion, and ask how we through CFHA can better support the work of academic researchers, genealogists, and Canadian Friends.
We hope you will be able to join us for this important program. Ben and Steve will speak beginning at 11 a.m. Eastern time, and the business portion of the AGM will follow. Please RSVP to the link below:
Please note that there is no charge to register and only contact information for member verification is collected when you register. Individuals not currently in membership are welcome to become members before the meeting, or to attend as guests. Please contact [email protected] if you wish to attend as a guest, or if you require additional information.
- Stephen Angell
- Ben Pink Dandelion