Hugh Webster Zavitz Diary, 1874 - 1901



en Hugh Webster Zavitz Diary, 1874 - 1901






en Dating from 1874 –1901 with a few sporadic additions to 1943 in the last pages. Member of Coldstream PM and Lobo MM.
This set of diaries are held by the Canadian Quaker Archives and Library in Newmarket, Ontario. They were donated by Jane Zavitz Bond,a member of Yarmouth Monthly Meeting. Jane Zavitz Bond writes, “Hugh W. Zavitz (1854 –1943) married Caroline Fritts from Darien, NY in 1880 and she died in 1897. Hugh later married Sarah Webster, a widow (the Webster family name was also the source of HWZ's name.) The long years of coverage by these diaries shares life in the community of Coldstream Preparative Mtg. and Lobo MM. Hughwas the son of Sarah Vail and Isaac Zavitz, original settlers in Coldstream. Hugh’s son, Vincent Zavitz, gave me these diaries as they related to our family history. Jonah Daniel Zavitz, our progenitor, was Hugh W. Zavitz’sbrother. In later life Hugh W. Zavitz left his farm on the 10th concession north of Poplar Hill and moved into the village across the street from his double first cousin, Charles A. Zavitz. This after Charles’s retirement from the Agriculture College at Guelph. They were competitive gardeners for the earliest harvest of peas and potatoes! Both were active in Coldstream meeting, and Charles in wider circles. We are grateful for Hugh Webster's care over many years, knowing that he jotted down the key events of the day. Surely there were omissions, but this is a valuable skeletal fossil record.” The diary starting on page 494 is noted by the transcriber as containing “notes, family births, marriages and deaths etc. and homilies.”

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