As many of you know, CFHA has had to postpone its planned Friendly Friday community building event. Many of us will be following good self-distancing practices. This will provide many opportunities for “found time”.

It has occurred to us that members and viewers might benefit from some CFHA-related suggestions for this time. We can still create a sense of community on our blog during this crisis. We welcome and encourage members and viewers to send in their additional ideas.

  1. Explore the CFHA website in greater detail:
    – The website has a search engine which will allow viewers to explore names of possible Quaker ancestors.
    – You’ll find many interesting articles in the almost 50 years of publications posted on the website.
    – Looking for a fascinating read? Choose any of the minute book transcriptions available on the website. They are frequently engaged page turners!
  2. Learn more about Quaker origins. The following is a short list of suggested readings:
    Friends for 300 Years by Howard Brinton
    Portrait in Grey by John Punshon
    Some Fruits of Solitude by William Penn
    – Journal and major essays of John Wolman
    Do you have a favourite recommended book on Quaker origins to share with others on this site?
  3. Consider starting your own personal journal.
  4. Reflect on your connections to Quakers and Quaker history.
  5. Don’t miss this opportunity to forward information or questions you would like to see posted on the CFHA blog. Not registered? It’s easy. Just complete the simple registration form.
Categories: Meetinghouse


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